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Friday, October 28, 2022

How to treat Diabetes in Ayurveda

How to treat Diabetes in Ayurveda and Home remedies / sugar Home remedies

According to Ayurveda literature, diabetes is a metabolic kapha type of disorder in which moderate functioning of agni (digestion) trigger high blood sugar. The main causes of raised sugar in blood are fat, urine, and Kapha that build up due to foods, liquids, lifestyle and others.

How to treat Diabetes in Ayurveda and Home remedies / sugar Home remedies

Sugar is treated in Ayurvedic with a multiple approach in which change in food intake, life style, stress in yoga and meditation, use of herbal and domestic spices in daily routine and medication through ayurvedic medicine are jointly prescribed. Panchkarma is also used for eliminating the three doshas and balancing the five fundamental elements in the body.

Ayurvedic home remedies to control your blood sugar levels

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. As per the World Health Organisation, the condition is estimated to grow by over 100 per cent by the year 2030. But however life-threatening the condition is, the condition can be managed by making some simple lifestyle changes and following some easy home remedies.

Simple Ayurvedic tips to follow

Diet and utensil changes
  • Take one part Guduchi, a part of kudki, a part of shardunika and 2 parts of punarvana. Mix well, and consume it with warm water 2-3 times a day.
  • Increase your intake of turmeric by adding a little extra to every food item. You can add some to your milk and tea as well.
  • Drinking water from copper vessels has been advised for ages. This can help revive the well-being of the body and prevent fluctuations in sugar levels. The water stored in a copper vessel is called Tamra Jal, which is said to help strike a balance in all three doshas. Keep a jug full of copper vessel overnight and drink it the next day.

Try methi dana

As per Ayurvedic experts, diabetics must consume methi dana on a regular basis. They can consume sprouts or drink fenugreek water on an empty stomach in the morning.

Bitter is always better

Bitter food items like bitter gourd, amla, hemp seeds and aloe vera can also help a great deal in managing diabetes.

Simple dietary changes

As per Ayurveda, ailments in the body are caused due to imbalance of doshas. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the imbalance of Vata (air and wind) and type 2 diabetes is caused by an excess of Kapha (water and earth) dosha. Eating meals with less fat is important. Adding ginger to your tea can also help in reducing the Kapha in the body.

Use spices wisely

Spices have antidiabetic properties. Turmeric, mustard, asafoetida, cinnamon and coriander must be consumed by diabetic patients.

​Foods diabetics must consume

Bitter gourd

Diabetics must include bitter gourd in their everyday diet. It is rich in hypoglycemic bio-chemical substances. The substance is great to manage blood sugar levels.

​Bengal gram

Bengal gram is great for people suffering from glucose intolerance. It reduces the risk of diabetes in non-diabetic people. It is also beneficial for people suffering from chronic diabetes.

​Indian gooseberry

Amla helps in regulating carbohydrate absorption. The presence of chromium helps in insulin sensitivity. You can have it raw or in juice form.


Jamun helps in regulating insulin and increasing the production of insulin. Chewing 4-5 Jamun leaves and Jamun can surely reduce sugar levels.

Curry leaves

Curry leaves are also great for managing diabetes and thus are recommended to be consumed two-three times a day..

Below are few detailed Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes to create awareness and to help those in need.

Karela or Bitter Gourd

This is one of the most fruitful diabetic medicine in Ayurveda. Consuming one spoon/30ml daily on empty stomach alone can help lower blood sugar levels in blood and urine. How to prepare. 

Karela or Bitter Gourd

This is one of the most fruitful diabetic medicine in Ayurveda. Consuming one spoon/30ml daily on empty stomach alone can help lower blood sugar levels in blood and urine. How to prepare?

Remove the seeds of bitter gourd and crush in a grinder. A Little bit of water may be added to reduce the bitter taste. Sieve it before having.

Dry Bitter Gourd - Cut them into small pieces and fry along with mustard oil, onion, green chillies and salt as required.

Fenugreek Seeds: Methi seeds alone or with Ayurvedic diabetes herbs are known to reduce the signs and symptoms of this disease. How to prepare? Follow one method at a time.

मधुमेह रोगियों को न केवल मीठा खाना खाना चाहिए चाहिए, बल्कि गलती से भी यह खाना खा लिया तो, शुगर लेवल कंट्रोल से बाहर हो जाएगा।

Warm a glass of milk and while on gas, put 1 tbsp. ground fenugreek seeds and 1 tsp. turmeric. Its intake should be limited to twice daily.

Soak 1 tbsp. fenugreek seeds and leave it overnight. Chew them next morning.

Chapattis with methi powder can also be prepared. Make sure to have in the limit.


Amla/Indian Gooseberry: Amla juice is a healthy drink not only for sugar patients but for anyone who wants healthy bodily functions. It is rich in Vitamin C which helps in utilizing the glucose found in food effectively. How to prepare?

Grind 3-4 amlas depending upon the size. Strain and drink this daily on empty stomach. You can also add turmeric to increase its nutrient properties.

Powder of Amla fruit can also be consumed with water twice daily to regulate sugar levels.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used in sugar medicine Ayurvedic treatments for thousands of years. This medicinal plant has rejuvenating, healing, and soothing properties. How to prepare?

Extract 1 tbsp. of gel from fresh Aloe Vera plant and mix with ½ tbsp. ground bay leaf and ½ tbsp. turmeric. Have this mixture twice daily before lunch and dinner to lower sugar and maintain glucose levels.

Cinnamon: This is a natural herb which if consumed daily has proven to cut blood sugar levels. Keep in mind not to have very high dosage as they are known to be toxic. Cinnamon contains a lot of antioxidants that decrease oxidative stress. This, in turn, increases insulin sensitivity which then helps to provide glucose to many cells in our body. How to prepare?

Warm 1 glass of filtered water and add 3-4 tbsp. of cinnamon powder. Let it cool and strain this mixture and consume every day.

તમારા રસોડામાં જ ડાયાબિટીસની બીમારી અને સારવાર છુપાયેલી છે, આ રીતે જોખમ દૂર કરી હેલ્ધી રહો

Ayurvedic Remedies for Sugar Patients

The bitter gourd is regarded as the best remedy for diabetes. Drink one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice daily to reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine.

Consume cooked bitter gourd in ghee for a period of three months. Your sugar level will drop drastically.

Intake of one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice for a period of two months in a day will enable the pancreas to secrete insulin.

Consume a glass of water with 10 basel (tulsi) leaves, 10 neem leaves and 10 belpatras early morning on empty stomach.

Mix and grind seeds of Fenugreek (100 gm), turmeric (50gm), and white pepper. Take one teaspoon of this powder with a glass of milk twice daily.

Put a cup of water in a copper vessel at night and drink that water in the morning. This will improve your digestive system which is the biggest cause of Tridosha.

The most important herbs for tridosh are shilajit, gudmar turmeric, neem, amlaki, guggul and arjuna.

Consume a glass of juice of rose apple (Eugenia jambos, Linn., Jambu) or bilv (Agal marmelos, Kor., Bael fruit) and two tender leaves of neem (Melia azadiracta, Ravipria or Indian lilac) daily on an empty stomach.

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Regular consumption of jambu juice and karela juice once a day will keep you away from diabetes.

A teaspoon of turmeric three times a day a few minutes before meals will regulate the function of the insulin-secreting pancreas.

Take 1/2 teaspoon of ground leaves and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, mix in 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Take this mixture twice a day before lunch and dinner.

Grind fenugreek seeds (100 g), turmeric (50 g), dakhani mirch (white pepper) and consume one teaspoon of this powder twice daily with a glass of milk. You can also consume one teaspoon of overnight soaked fenugreek seeds in the morning.

Add decoctions of triphala, fenugreek, musta, arjuna, sandalwood, lodhara, ajwan, gokshura, vidanga, guduchi, haritaki and chitrak. This can be taken with a small amount of ghee. Gudmar and Shilajit are excellent.

Amlaki Churna (500 mg), Haldi powder (turmeric powder) 500 mg and Nag Bhasma (125 mg) should be taken twice a day with honey.

Avoid sugar in any form - rice, potatoes, bananas, cereals and fruits that are high in sugar.

Include plenty of green vegetables, black gram, soy, fish etc.

Avoid sleeping and smoking during the day.

Note: If you have liver damage, avoid this herb as cinnamon is known to worsen the condition.

The key to successfully treating any disease is persistence, no matter how difficult the situation. All Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes will work their magic if followed on time and with dedication. Ayurveda is known for rooting out disease completely but it is also known for its own healing. Any medicine will work if you make healthy food choices, exercise and take care of your body like a temple.

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