Election 2021 live update in Gujarat The Election Commission of India
Election 2021 live update in Gujarat The Election Commission of India
The Election Commission of India was formed on January 6, 190, which is later celebrated as National Voters' Day.
The Commission currently has one Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners. Until October 19, 19, there was only one member, the Chief Election Commissioner.
From October 15, January 18 to January 1, 190 this Rs. V. S. Shastri (MU) and Election Commissioner S.S. Dhanova and V.S.
Became a three-member formation including Sehgal. It became a single-member formation from January 7, 190 to September 30, 19, and again from October 1, 19 to a three-member formation.
The current Chief Election Commissioner is Sunil Arora and the other Election Commissioners are Ashok Levasa and Sushil Chandra.
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The Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners are appointed by the President of India. The term of office of the Chief Election Commissioner is 6 years or 6 years, whichever comes first.
While the term of other Election Commissioners is 5 years or 6 years, whichever comes first.
The honor and salary of the Election Commissioner is the same as that of a judge of the Supreme Court of India.
The Chief Election Commissioner can only be removed by an impeachment motion by a two-thirds majority in Parliament.