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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

If you also use a one-on-one mask then read this

 If you also use a one-on-one mask then read this

If you also use a one-on-one mask then read this

If you also use a one-on-one mask then read this

If you also use a one-on-one mask then read this :There have been big changes in everyone’s life since Corona entered the world but one common change in each of our lives is wearing a mask. There are some misconceptions about masks but according to one study it is safer not to wear masks.

  1. Against a new study on masks
  2. Wearing the same mask over and over again is unhealthy
  3. Not wearing a mask is much safer – study
  4. Research what happened
Research has shown that if the mask is new, it can trap small and fine particles, but as the mask gets older, the mask is not able to stop the particles.

According to a study published in the journal Physics of Fluids, researchers say that the longer a mask is worn, the worse it gets. Wearing a mask changes the air pressure around a person’s face.

Safe not to wear a mask
The co-author of the study said that it is safer not to wear a mask than to wear an old mask, as the old mask does not stop the particles but the virus on them helps to get inside your body.

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