Daily Market Report All APMC
AGRICULTURAL ADVISORIES– This is the crop specific advisory service for various agro-climatic zones. These advisories and alerts are provided based on research by industry experts; our agricultural advisories guide rural farmers to initiate necessary & corrective actions based on prevailing weather conditions.
ASK OUR EXPERTS – This is the USP of the “IFFCO Kisan” Indian Farmer agriculture App. Through this feature, farmers can talk to industry Agriculture experts and get agricultural advice on 1-click. It is very useful for those farmers who have difficulties in writing; e they can just take a photo of the plant or concerned area/ disease and can send it to our experts to study the issue through the app. Our experts will provide personalized agriculture solutions through voice call.
MARKET PLACE– This feature is the buyer and seller meeting platform, where a buyer or a seller can register his/her buying or selling requirement/s. It will help them to buy or sell faster, with higher profitability
The scheme is being implemented by the Directorate of Marketing & Inspection with technical assistance from the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and in association with the State Agricultural Marketing Boards/Directorates and APMCs.
The objective of the Scheme:
To establish a Nation-wide market information Network for speedy collection and facilitate collection and dissemination of information related to better price dissemination of market information and data for its efficient and timely utilisation. realization and market access by the farmers. This would cover:
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